Work Injuries and MVA Physiotherapy
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Work Injuries
Injuries at work can occur to people doing heavy and active occupations that require lifting or repetitive work as well as to people that do inactive occupations such as desk-bound work.
Common injuries that are seen in the active occupations include lower back /neck strains from lifting and overuse injuries to muscles and tendons from using the same muscle groups all day. For example, working on a production line. In the inactive group, common injuries include postural neck and back pain from sitting most of the day or from poor positioning at the workstation. Repetitive use of the computer mouse, keyboard and telephone can cause overuse injuries as well to muscles and tendons.
Our physiotherapists can assist you to recover quickly from your injury and to return to work as soon as possible.
Education may include about correct lifting techniques, workstation setups, pause breaks and using different muscle groups and techniques for repetitive tasks.
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Injuries that occur in a motor vehicle accident are very common especially musculo-ligamentous injuries to many joints of the body, such a “whiplash” injury to the neck, or fractures to any body part. Providing these injuries are accepted as not being your driving fault or as a passenger (even if the driver of your car involved was at fault) are usually compensable that your necessary treatment will be paid for by the insurer involved under your vehicle registration.
Our physiotherapists can assist you to recover quickly from your injury and to return to normal function as soon as possible.
Treatment options
Joint Mobilisation
Joint Manipulation
Balance / Proprioception