Home Physio Adelaide

Sports Injuries

Sports Injuries

Sporting injuries can create a great deal of frustration to a person as it can force them away from a sport or activity they love, or cause ongoing pain and discomfort whilst they continue to play.

Early diagnosis and correct treatment by one of our skilled physiotherapists can greatly reduce the time away from the sport or how quickly a person will become pain-free whilst they are playing their sport. As a result, the enjoyment and performance levels will be returned much more quickly.

Typical sporting injuries include strains and sprains to muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments as well as overuse / repetitive injuries to these structures. Our physiotherapists have the assessment skills to diagnose both acute and chronic injuries.

Physio Adelaide

Ducker Physio Adelaide will determine whether physiotherapy will assist your injury to full recovery, or whether further investigations or specialist surgical opinion may be required. If surgery is required then physiotherapy post-operatively is essential to restore full movement and strength to the injured area and other areas. Otherwise, further injury to these areas may ensue due to lack of rehabilitation, as well as speed up recovery time to return to sport as soon as possible.

Treatment Options

Joint Mobilisation

Joint Manipulation

Neural / Nerve Mobilisation




Trigger Point Therapy

Myofascial Release

Dry Needling


lower back pain treatment Adelaide

Back Pain

Back pain is another extremely common condition that will affect most of us at some stage in our lives. It can not only cause local back pain but also contribute to hip, groin, leg and foot pain or paraesthesia. Structures in the back that can cause these symptoms to include the spinal discs, muscles, ligaments, bones and nerve tissue.

Causes of back pain include:

  • Poor posture.
  • Prolonged or repetitive sitting, bending or lifting.
  • Weakness due to lack of exercise or being overweight.
  • During pregnancy.
  • Traumas such as falls, sporting collisions or vehicle accidents.

Our physiotherapists can accurately and skilfully assess the cause of your back pain, how to manage the problem in the short and long terms, and then discuss and plan the correct course of treatment for you. Often long-standing low back pain requires exercises and education to manage the problem successfully.

Treatment Options

Joint Mobilisation

Joint Manipulation

Neural / Nerve Mobilisation



Trigger Point Therapy

Myofascial Release

Dry Needling


Neck Pain

Neck pain is a very common condition that can also contribute to headaches, shoulder and upper back pain. Physiotherapy can greatly assist these problems.

The neck’s role is to support and move your head, which has significant weight. As a result, it is vulnerable to injury from prolonged periods of forwarding head posture such as being in front of the computer, laptops, television or playing computer games/devices. Other causes of neck pain can be traumas. For example, a whiplash injury from a vehicle accident, or numerous micro-injuries to the neck over the years, such as heavy lifting or sporting collisions, can cause degenerative neck changes.

Our physiotherapists can accurately and skilfully assess the origin of your pain and then discuss and plan the correct course of treatment for you.

A wide variety of treatment approaches can be used depending on the assessment.

Treatment Options

Joint Mobilisation

Neural / Nerve Mobilisation

Dry Needling




Trigger Point Therapy

Myofascial Release

Sports physiotherapist near me

Joint Pain

Peripheral Joints are joints other than the spine. Examples of these joints are the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle and foot.

These joints can be injured by trauma such as a fall or sporting accident, overloading and repetition on the joint, or arthritis (wear and tear arthritis called osteoarthritis or systemic arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis).

Traumatic injuries to these joints may include dislocations, subluxations, sprains, strains and tears. Overloading injuries may include tendonitis/tendinosis, bursitis and synovitis.

Our physiotherapists have the diagnostic and assessment skills to assess the origin of your joint problem and then plan the correct course of treatment. They will give you advice about the likely causes of your problem and how to best prevent it from happening again in the future.

Treatment Options

Joint Mobilisation



Joint Manipulation



Balance / Proprioception


Physiotherapy can drastically reduce ongoing pain felt by arthritis sufferers. It helps to keep your joints and muscles active, while providing you with home exercise tools to improve overall quality of life. People with arthritis will be given an exercise program that it tailored to their exact needs, as well as advice on how to integrate exercise to assist with pain relief. Our physiotherapists will help you understand how arthritis affects you, while getting you moving, stretching and strengthening affected and surrounding joints.

Treatment Options

Joint Mobilisation




Trigger Point Therapy

Core Stability

Myofascial Release

Dry Needling


Headaches can severely affect your quality and enjoyment of life. There are many causes of headaches, but the most common type of headache is caused by problems to the structures of the neck. These include the cervical joints, muscles and nerve tissue. It can present in the back of the head and upper neck, temples, forehead, back of ears or eyes.

Headaches can be caused by poor posture, tension and stress, trauma such as whiplash, prolonged poor neck positionings such as in front of computers or arthritic joints in the neck. Our physiotherapists can accurately and skilfully assess the origin of your pain to determine if they feel it is likely to be coming from the neck or not. If they feel it is coming from the neck they will choose a variety of approaches that best suits your problem.

They will give you advice about the likely causes of your headaches and how to best manage them, as well as assist you in how to prevent them from recurring in the future.

If not, they will liaise with your local doctor to determine other possible causes of your headaches if further investigations are indicated.

Treatment Options

Joint Mobilisation




Trigger Point Therapy

Core Stability

Myofascial Release

Dry Needling

Neural / Nerve Mobilisation

Sports Injury Clinic Adelaide


Ducker Physio is the sole physiotherapy provider at Calvary Central Districts Hospital where there are 12 orthopaedic surgeons operating there from various private orthopaedic surgical practices throughout South Australia.

We also have numerous other orthopaedic surgeons refer to us from other hospitals due to our expertise and experience treating a vast array of post-operative conditions that are ever changing with new surgical techniques.

We see you from the time you wake up from your surgery each day until discharge and then the appropriate follow up rehabilitation in our rooms in close conjunction with your surgeon and his protocols. Your progress is closely monitored, managed and progressed appropriately to you as well as within the surgeon’s guidelines. Normal recovery from all surgical procedures is extremely variable person to person due to many factors, hence why progress must be tailored specifically to your recovery.

Common Surgeries requiring Post-Operative Physiotherapy Care:


Arthroscope, Reconstruction, Stabilisation, Rotator Cuff Repair, Decompression/Acromioplasty, Fractures and Capsular Releases / Manipulation.


Arthroscope,Tennis Elbow Release, Tendon Repairs, Ulnar Nerve Transposition, Decompression and Fractures.


Arthroscope, Hip Replacements, Labral and Tendon Repairs and Fractures.


Achilles Tendon Repairs and Fasciotomy.

Ankle & Foot

Arthroscopy, Ligament Reconstruction and Repairs, Fractures, Fusions of ankle and 1st Toe, Bunionectomy and Plantar Facia Release.


Arthroscope, Knee Replacements, Ligament Reconstructions (eg ACL, medial patella), Meniscal Repairs, Chondroplasty, Lateral Release, Tendon Transfers and Fractures.


Discectomy, Laminectomy, Decompression and Spinal Fusion/Stabilisation.

Treatment Options

Joint Mobilisation

Neural / Nerve Mobilisation



Trigger Point Therapy

Core Stability

Myofascial Release

Dry Needling

Balance / Proprioception

Physio Adelaide


Muscle pain can more often than not be attributed to strain, caused by over stretching or exerting your range of movement. Strains can vary from mild to severe, with the extent of the pull or tear ultimately determining the treatment plan. Symptoms of muscle strains include:

  • Muscle pain
  • Weakness
  • Bruising
  • Muscle tightness
  • Inability to stretch muscle without pain

Depending on severity, strains can take anywhere between a few days and weeks to fully repair. Our physiotherapists can have you on the road to recovery from your very first visit.

Treatment Options

Joint Mobilisation



Neural / Nerve Mobilisation


Trigger Point Therapy

Balance / Proprioception


Myofascial Release

Dry Needling

Core Stability


Work Injuries

Injuries at work can occur to people doing heavy and active occupations that require lifting or repetitive work as well as to people that do inactive occupations such as desk-bound work.

Common injuries that are seen in the active occupations include lower back /neck strains from lifting and overuse injuries to muscles and tendons from using the same muscle groups all day. For example, working on a production line. In the inactive group, common injuries include postural neck and back pain from sitting most of the day or from poor positioning at the workstation. Repetitive use of the computer mouse, keyboard and telephone can cause overuse injuries as well to muscles and tendons.

Our physiotherapists can assist you to recover quickly from your injury and to return to work as soon as possible.

Education may include about correct lifting techniques, workstation setups, pause breaks and using different muscle groups and techniques for repetitive tasks.


Injuries that occur in a motor vehicle accident are very common especially musculo-ligamentous injuries to many joints of the body, such a “whiplash” injury to the neck, or fractures to any body part. Providing these injuries are accepted as not being your driving fault or as a passenger (even if the driver of your car involved was at fault) are usually compensable that your necessary treatment will be paid for by the insurer involved under your vehicle registration.

Our physiotherapists can assist you to recover quickly from your injury and to return to normal function as soon as possible.

Arthritis Treatment Adelaide


These injuries require initially to be assessed by a doctor and referred for physiotherapy treatment for those who have a DVA card. Those Veterans’ that have a Gold card referred by their doctor are permitted to have physiotherapy treatment for any appropriate physiotherapy condition they may have. We report back from time to time to their doctor how the condition is progressing. Those White Card Holders may only have certain conditions approved by DVA.

CDM (formerly known as EPC)

These chronic conditions require initially to be assessed by a doctor and referred if deemed appropriate for physiotherapy treatment. Patients need to qualify with certain chronic medical condition criteria that your local doctor fully understands. If you qualify, Medicare will pay a significant rebate up to 5 treatments per year for allied health treatment such as physiotherapy. There is a small gap to pay above this rebate. Reception staff will explain how this works.

Sports Physio Adelaide

Self Management & Home Exercise

Your treatment plan and recovery doesn’t stop when you leave our practice. We are committed to improving our patient’s conditions as quickly as possible with minimal pain, which is why we prescribe them with a home exercise and management plan. Our plans are tailored to each patient’s specific condition, with each one working to target the specific source of pain.

This helps to both improve recovery time, and empower the patient by giving them control over their condition. Exercise and stretching are pinnacle parts of home exercise programs.


Joint Replacement Clinic

The Joint Replacement Clinic (JRC) provides a zero-out-of-pocket expense service for all private health insurance members for:

  • Surgeon (Prof. Jegan Krishnan and Dr Sunil Reddy)
  • Anaesthetist
  • Physiotherapy (Ducker Physio Magill & Salisbury, Physio Factory Thebarton & Holden Hill)
  • Hospital Stay
  • Transport to and from Ashford hospital
  • RDNS home care following discharge for the first week.

Surgeries under the JRC Pathway are:

Total Knee Replacements (TKR)
Total Hip Replacements (THR – Anterior, Lateral and Posterior Approaches)
Total Shoulder Replacements (TSR)

Physiotherapy Care gives you seven (7) zero-out-of-pocket expense services. We usually see you once pre-operatively and 6 post-operatively. If you require more than these 7 treatments, which can sometimes be necessary with TKR’s and TSR’s, then usual fees apply with the gap payable after your health fund rebate. We are all preferred provider physiotherapists with BUPA, Health Partners, Medibank, HCF which means your gaps are much smaller anyway compared to some other physiotherapy businesses. We also have physiotherapy rebate arrangements with ALL health funds in Australia.

Sports Injuries
Sports Injuries

Sports Injuries

Sporting injuries can create a great deal of frustration to a person as it can force them away from a sport or activity they love, or cause ongoing pain and discomfort whilst they continue to play.

Early diagnosis and correct treatment by one of our skilled physiotherapists can greatly reduce the time away from the sport or how quickly a person will become pain-free whilst they are playing their sport. As a result, the enjoyment and performance levels will be returned much more quickly.

Typical sporting injuries include strains and sprains to muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments as well as overuse / repetitive injuries to these structures. Our physiotherapists have the assessment skills to diagnose both acute and chronic injuries.

Physio Adelaide

Ducker Physio Adelaide will determine whether physiotherapy will assist your injury to full recovery, or whether further investigations or specialist surgical opinion may be required. If surgery is required then physiotherapy post-operatively is essential to restore full movement and strength to the injured area and other areas. Otherwise, further injury to these areas may ensue due to lack of rehabilitation, as well as speed up recovery time to return to sport as soon as possible.

Treatment Options

Joint Mobilisation

Joint Manipulation

Neural / Nerve Mobilisation




Trigger Point Therapy

Myofascial Release

Dry Needling


Back Pain
lower back pain treatment Adelaide

Back Pain

Back pain is another extremely common condition that will affect most of us at some stage in our lives. It can not only cause local back pain but also contribute to hip, groin, leg and foot pain or paraesthesia. Structures in the back that can cause these symptoms to include the spinal discs, muscles, ligaments, bones and nerve tissue.

Causes of back pain include:

  • Poor posture.
  • Prolonged or repetitive sitting, bending or lifting.
  • Weakness due to lack of exercise or being overweight.
  • During pregnancy.
  • Traumas such as falls, sporting collisions or vehicle accidents.

Our physiotherapists can accurately and skilfully assess the cause of your back pain, how to manage the problem in the short and long terms, and then discuss and plan the correct course of treatment for you. Often long-standing low back pain requires exercises and education to manage the problem successfully.

Treatment Options

Joint Mobilisation

Joint Manipulation

Neural / Nerve Mobilisation



Trigger Point Therapy

Myofascial Release

Dry Needling


Neck Pain

Neck Pain

Neck pain is a very common condition that can also contribute to headaches, shoulder and upper back pain. Physiotherapy can greatly assist these problems.

The neck’s role is to support and move your head, which has significant weight. As a result, it is vulnerable to injury from prolonged periods of forwarding head posture such as being in front of the computer, laptops, television or playing computer games/devices. Other causes of neck pain can be traumas. For example, a whiplash injury from a vehicle accident, or numerous micro-injuries to the neck over the years, such as heavy lifting or sporting collisions, can cause degenerative neck changes.

Our physiotherapists can accurately and skilfully assess the origin of your pain and then discuss and plan the correct course of treatment for you.

A wide variety of treatment approaches can be used depending on the assessment.

Treatment Options

Joint Mobilisation

Neural / Nerve Mobilisation

Dry Needling




Trigger Point Therapy

Myofascial Release

Joint Pain
Sports physiotherapist near me

Joint Pain

Peripheral Joints are joints other than the spine. Examples of these joints are the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle and foot.

These joints can be injured by trauma such as a fall or sporting accident, overloading and repetition on the joint, or arthritis (wear and tear arthritis called osteoarthritis or systemic arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis).

Traumatic injuries to these joints may include dislocations, subluxations, sprains, strains and tears. Overloading injuries may include tendonitis/tendinosis, bursitis and synovitis.

Our physiotherapists have the diagnostic and assessment skills to assess the origin of your joint problem and then plan the correct course of treatment. They will give you advice about the likely causes of your problem and how to best prevent it from happening again in the future.

Treatment Options

Joint Mobilisation



Joint Manipulation



Balance / Proprioception



Physiotherapy can drastically reduce ongoing pain felt by arthritis sufferers. It helps to keep your joints and muscles active, while providing you with home exercise tools to improve overall quality of life. People with arthritis will be given an exercise program that it tailored to their exact needs, as well as advice on how to integrate exercise to assist with pain relief. Our physiotherapists will help you understand how arthritis affects you, while getting you moving, stretching and strengthening affected and surrounding joints.

Treatment Options

Joint Mobilisation




Trigger Point Therapy

Core Stability

Myofascial Release

Dry Needling



Headaches can severely affect your quality and enjoyment of life. There are many causes of headaches, but the most common type of headache is caused by problems to the structures of the neck. These include the cervical joints, muscles and nerve tissue. It can present in the back of the head and upper neck, temples, forehead, back of ears or eyes.

Headaches can be caused by poor posture, tension and stress, trauma such as whiplash, prolonged poor neck positionings such as in front of computers or arthritic joints in the neck. Our physiotherapists can accurately and skilfully assess the origin of your pain to determine if they feel it is likely to be coming from the neck or not. If they feel it is coming from the neck they will choose a variety of approaches that best suits your problem.

They will give you advice about the likely causes of your headaches and how to best manage them, as well as assist you in how to prevent them from recurring in the future.

If not, they will liaise with your local doctor to determine other possible causes of your headaches if further investigations are indicated.

Treatment Options

Joint Mobilisation




Trigger Point Therapy

Core Stability

Myofascial Release

Dry Needling

Neural / Nerve Mobilisation

Sports Injury Clinic Adelaide


Ducker Physio is the sole physiotherapy provider at Calvary Central Districts Hospital where there are 12 orthopaedic surgeons operating there from various private orthopaedic surgical practices throughout South Australia.

We also have numerous other orthopaedic surgeons refer to us from other hospitals due to our expertise and experience treating a vast array of post-operative conditions that are ever changing with new surgical techniques.

We see you from the time you wake up from your surgery each day until discharge and then the appropriate follow up rehabilitation in our rooms in close conjunction with your surgeon and his protocols. Your progress is closely monitored, managed and progressed appropriately to you as well as within the surgeon’s guidelines. Normal recovery from all surgical procedures is extremely variable person to person due to many factors, hence why progress must be tailored specifically to your recovery.

Common Surgeries requiring Post-Operative Physiotherapy Care:


Arthroscope, Reconstruction, Stabilisation, Rotator Cuff Repair, Decompression/Acromioplasty, Fractures and Capsular Releases / Manipulation.


Arthroscope,Tennis Elbow Release, Tendon Repairs, Ulnar Nerve Transposition, Decompression and Fractures.


Arthroscope, Hip Replacements, Labral and Tendon Repairs and Fractures.


Achilles Tendon Repairs and Fasciotomy.

Ankle & Foot

Arthroscopy, Ligament Reconstruction and Repairs, Fractures, Fusions of ankle and 1st Toe, Bunionectomy and Plantar Facia Release.


Arthroscope, Knee Replacements, Ligament Reconstructions (eg ACL, medial patella), Meniscal Repairs, Chondroplasty, Lateral Release, Tendon Transfers and Fractures.


Discectomy, Laminectomy, Decompression and Spinal Fusion/Stabilisation.

Treatment Options

Joint Mobilisation

Neural / Nerve Mobilisation



Trigger Point Therapy

Core Stability

Myofascial Release

Dry Needling

Balance / Proprioception

Physio Adelaide


Muscle pain can more often than not be attributed to strain, caused by over stretching or exerting your range of movement. Strains can vary from mild to severe, with the extent of the pull or tear ultimately determining the treatment plan. Symptoms of muscle strains include:

  • Muscle pain
  • Weakness
  • Bruising
  • Muscle tightness
  • Inability to stretch muscle without pain

Depending on severity, strains can take anywhere between a few days and weeks to fully repair. Our physiotherapists can have you on the road to recovery from your very first visit.

Treatment Options

Joint Mobilisation



Neural / Nerve Mobilisation


Trigger Point Therapy

Balance / Proprioception


Myofascial Release

Dry Needling

Core Stability

Work Injuries & MVA

Work Injuries

Injuries at work can occur to people doing heavy and active occupations that require lifting or repetitive work as well as to people that do inactive occupations such as desk-bound work.

Common injuries that are seen in the active occupations include lower back /neck strains from lifting and overuse injuries to muscles and tendons from using the same muscle groups all day. For example, working on a production line. In the inactive group, common injuries include postural neck and back pain from sitting most of the day or from poor positioning at the workstation. Repetitive use of the computer mouse, keyboard and telephone can cause overuse injuries as well to muscles and tendons.

Our physiotherapists can assist you to recover quickly from your injury and to return to work as soon as possible.

Education may include about correct lifting techniques, workstation setups, pause breaks and using different muscle groups and techniques for repetitive tasks.


Injuries that occur in a motor vehicle accident are very common especially musculo-ligamentous injuries to many joints of the body, such a “whiplash” injury to the neck, or fractures to any body part. Providing these injuries are accepted as not being your driving fault or as a passenger (even if the driver of your car involved was at fault) are usually compensable that your necessary treatment will be paid for by the insurer involved under your vehicle registration.

Our physiotherapists can assist you to recover quickly from your injury and to return to normal function as soon as possible.

Arthritis Treatment Adelaide


These injuries require initially to be assessed by a doctor and referred for physiotherapy treatment for those who have a DVA card. Those Veterans’ that have a Gold card referred by their doctor are permitted to have physiotherapy treatment for any appropriate physiotherapy condition they may have. We report back from time to time to their doctor how the condition is progressing. Those White Card Holders may only have certain conditions approved by DVA.


CDM (formerly known as EPC)

These chronic conditions require initially to be assessed by a doctor and referred if deemed appropriate for physiotherapy treatment. Patients need to qualify with certain chronic medical condition criteria that your local doctor fully understands. If you qualify, Medicare will pay a significant rebate up to 5 treatments per year for allied health treatment such as physiotherapy. There is a small gap to pay above this rebate. Reception staff will explain how this works.

Self Management & Home Exercise
Sports Physio Adelaide

Self Management & Home Exercise

Your treatment plan and recovery doesn’t stop when you leave our practice. We are committed to improving our patient’s conditions as quickly as possible with minimal pain, which is why we prescribe them with a home exercise and management plan. Our plans are tailored to each patient’s specific condition, with each one working to target the specific source of pain.

This helps to both improve recovery time, and empower the patient by giving them control over their condition. Exercise and stretching are pinnacle parts of home exercise programs.

Joint Replacement Clinic

Joint Replacement Clinic

The Joint Replacement Clinic (JRC) provides a zero-out-of-pocket expense service for all private health insurance members for:

  • Surgeon (Prof. Jegan Krishnan and Dr Sunil Reddy)
  • Anaesthetist
  • Physiotherapy (Ducker Physio Magill & Salisbury, Physio Factory Thebarton & Holden Hill)
  • Hospital Stay
  • Transport to and from Ashford hospital
  • RDNS home care following discharge for the first week.

Surgeries under the JRC Pathway are:

Total Knee Replacements (TKR)
Total Hip Replacements (THR – Anterior, Lateral and Posterior Approaches)
Total Shoulder Replacements (TSR)

Physiotherapy Care gives you seven (7) zero-out-of-pocket expense services. We usually see you once pre-operatively and 6 post-operatively. If you require more than these 7 treatments, which can sometimes be necessary with TKR’s and TSR’s, then usual fees apply with the gap payable after your health fund rebate. We are all preferred provider physiotherapists with BUPA, Health Partners, Medibank, HCF which means your gaps are much smaller anyway compared to some other physiotherapy businesses. We also have physiotherapy rebate arrangements with ALL health funds in Australia.

Specialist Staff

Mark Ducker

Mark Ducker

Managing Director
At Salisbury, CCDH & NECH
Mark Covino

Mark Covino

At Magill, CCDH & NECH
Penny Nayyer

Penny Nayyer

At Salisbury & CCDH
Chris Watson

Chris Watson

At Salisbury
Ann Gardner

Ann Gardner

Read More

Self-management and home physio Adelaide

One of the most important things we stress to our clients at Ducker Physio Adelaide is that treatment doesn’t stop outside on the clinic. We are committed to providing care and support 24/7, which means offering comprehensive and reliable take-home advice. This is the best way to ensure our clients receive their desired results in the shortest amount of time. The management plans we create are tailored to the individual, and we take a range of factors into account such as: Involvement in physical activity, lifestyle and budget. We do our absolute best to comply with your preferences while still delivering the advice you actually need. Exercise, strengthening and stretching are core components of our exercise programs. For your very own tailored take-home management program, pay Ducker Physio Adelaide a visit. We have 3 locations to improve accessibility for our clients!

Physio Adelaide

Our extensive service list

We have all bases covered when it comes to physio Adelaide. Our goal is to make sure that no question or concern goes unanswered. We address all of your aches and pains, while providing you with the best maintenance advice along the way. We take care of:

  • Sports injuries: rehabilitation, pain management and strengthening.
  • Neck pain: improving posture and rehabilitating micro injuries and releasing muscle tension.
  • Joint pain: helping you expand range of motion, fasten recovery time, repair traumatic injury and stop pain.
  • Strengthening: overloading the muscle groups with targeted exercises to promote strength and muscle growth.
  • Myofascial release: isolating the location of pain caused by a trigger point.
  • Proprioception: improving balance and restoring control over your body.

If any of these issues or services relate to you in any way, be sure to contact the Ducker Physio Adelaide team on (08) 8333 0322!

Managing your arthritis

While we can’t necessarily eliminate the pain of long-term illnesses like arthritis with physio Adelaide, we can certainly contribute to minimise the pain. Our services help to keep your muscles and joints active, which will slow down the effects. We also have a range of home exercise tools and accessories that make living with arthritis that little bit easier! To begin managing your pain, we carry out an assessment to identify the severity of the issue. Then we provide you an effective exercise program that is 100% tailored to your needs and capabilities. We also provide advice on ways you can integrate exercise for pain relief. We’ll educate you on how arthritis affects you and what you can do to reduce the impact. Knowing and understanding your body is always the first step to recovery, so you can trust Ducker Physio Adelaide to provide you with the right advice!

Our reputation is built on a successful track record, so you can trust Ducker Physio to practice what we preach! To book your consultation, give us a call via (08) 8333 0322. We’ll start working on your journey to wellness as soon as you step foot through our doors. That’s what makes us the best physio Adelaide!

Ready To Rid Yourself Of Pain?